lunes, 11 de enero de 2016

Basics to travel to Puerto Vallarta & Riviera Nayarit

There is no doubt that traveling is one of the major stimuli that we have human beings. 

Traveling is not just a pleasure, it is an urgent and pressing need; after 10 or 11 months working in majority-urban contexts that have a very high mental stress, emotional and physical exhaustion, planning a vacation is almost an oasis in the welter of daily life. Personally, I have great pleasure thinking about which place I want to visit, where to stay, how many days ... in short, all the elements that make up that dream long cherished called vacation.

Las animas beach Puerto Vallarta

Los muertos pier Puerto Vallarta

I do not know the others, but I do 3 trips in one:

1) Planning. This makes me travel a little everyday while I collect information and visualizing how they will be those weeks.

2) Vacation. Breaking the everyday, be where you want, stay focused on what you like and do what pleases you.

3). Memories. Come home and show photos, videos and describe what has been eaten or felt to family and friends.

Telling what has happened makes you relive the things and emotions.
I confess that over the years the experiences of traveling have improved markedly. Not long ago, a travel agent, which he was informed of all our desires, was in charge of planning and offering us several alternatives to choose from. 
The results were highly variable because the lack of information put you into other hands and gave you some surprises. Today we choose where we want to stay, check prices, plan activities and buying in advance makes the element of surprise disappear, we avoid very bad moments and choose what we really want.

In Puerto Vallarta we are very happy and satisfied because since December we have a great tool to offer our visitors and make your travel experience to our destination a great satisfaction. Catching up with travel technology, it has been launched FIND PVR, an intelligent mobile app with which you can solve any  location problem and tourist information about Puerto Vallarta, Nuevo Vallarta, Bucerias, La Cruz de Huanacaxtle, Punta de Mita and Sayulita. It is presented in three languages ​​-Spanish, English and French and does not need connection, is free and available in Google Play and AppleStore.

Puerto Vallarta Travel App
For those who come to enjoy Puerto Vallarta, with FIND PVR you can find exactly what you are looking for.

Ana Maria Platas
Find PVR / Director

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